How to have a charismatic personality so that everyone would love to be with you?

How to have a charismatic personality so that everyone would love to be with you?
 Personal Life        March 23, 2021         BlogzBite Team       1       1.38K
“Personality development is not about having a good or dashing or gorgeous appearance, it is about having an average appearance but having a great command on communication, having a chaste heart, having helping nature, doing appreciation, motivating self and others and the most important is thinking positive even in the most negative conditions of life”

A great personality believes in these motivational lines written below: 

“A negative mind can never give you a positive life” so never think negative.”

“If one can become great by his/her works then why to become just best by looks.”

“One life must be an example not the materialistic havings.”

In these days if you have talent, knowledge, money but don't have a good personality then it will not generate good and better things for your future as well as your present. Personality development typically means improving and grooming, like outer (appearance, body Language) and inner (self-emotion, thinking ability, self-confidence, ability to learn, attitude to bring out a positive change in your life). Every individual has his/her own different persona that can be developed, polished and refined. This process can boost one's confidence, improving communication and speaking abilities, broadening one's scope of knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine etiquettes and manners, adding style and grace to the way one looks, talks and walks and overall imbuing oneself with positivity, liveliness and peace. It doesn’t happen overnight, It takes a big passage of time to have this development and to make it one’s habit.

It takes time to build “The Tajmahal” whereas it takes so less time to build a simple home. 

Most of the people determine and judge “Personality” by looking.

Let’s take an example; If any of the person is good by looking. Then we speak “WOW” what a personality! but if any person is not having good looks so people consider that person's personality is not so good. So initially, we have to change our wrong mentality towards personality. Personality development means a thing in which development is possible. All body parts like our face, nose, lips, cannot be changed as per us or as per our wishes so why are we people thinking that looking can only be personality and determining personality by only looking. It has only 10% part in personality because our looks are temporary not permanent but a personality can never be temporary. 

After all personality development is nothing but a tool that helps you realize your capabilities and your strengths and help you becoming a stronger, happier and more cheerful person. Personality development’s 90% is contained of good communication skills, etiquettes, manners, good body language,  good character,time management ,  anger control ,  self-confidence & having a capability which allows you to adjust in every circumstances of life.

If you actually allow yourself to follow all these above points then you will soon be a person with whom people would love to be with you. 

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muskan jain

it was really helpfull to understand the actual meaning of personality and to know that how can I improve mine.

 August 31, 2021